Sunday, November 10, 2019

Watch "Ley Line - "Oxum" (Old Settler's Pop-Up Session)" on YouTube

How local wise-women who carried on ancient traditions were exterminated by Christianity

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Kanye West Mocked for $55 Sunday Service Brunch | Consequence of Sound

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The 'Black Paintings' By Francisco Goya Are Deeply Disturbing, And No One Knows Why He Painted Them

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Ways the Crusades Directly Shaped the Way We Live Now

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Getting It Ready

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No Getting Out of It

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Today's Color

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Today's Sermon

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Communication Breakdown

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Nice Try...

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Thank Ya Lawd

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the Judge

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Good Christian Women...

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Eve! Be Nice...

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Life Imitates Art

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I'd Recommend It

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Game Day!

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