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The Older You Get, the More You Hate People (Here Is Why It Is OK)!

"Hate" may be a strong word. However, in case you have realized that as you get older, you are less likely to please others or waste your time on hanging out with negative people and you cannot stand small talk, you aren't alone. It is common for somebody to go from having ten "close" friends to only one or two within a short period of time, and there is probably a good reason for it.
Research has proven that people have fewer confidantes today than they did twenty-five years ago. Nearly fifty percent of people will confide in a close friend about a personal matter within a period of 6 months.
Here Is Why You Care Less for People As You Get Older:
– You want to do what's truly important to you
When you are young, it feels like you have all the time in the world. However, the older you get, the more you understand that seizing the day is about making the most of your time to do what's truly important to you.
In your twenties, you'd like to go to that play with your friends. But, as you get older, you'd rather spend time treating yourself to a quiet night in or cooking a healthy dinner to surprise your partner or parents.
– You cannot stand wishy-washy people
You have probably been guilty of the following white lie: "It has been too long! We must get together sometime!" In early adulthood, everybody actually means it. It is easy to feel isolated while you are grappling with new scenery, new responsibilities, and new people in your life. However, as you get older, you need to say, "It is nice to see you".
– You're not interested in foolishness
If you have more life experience, you will learn more about yourself as well as people that have always been in your life. In your twenties, it may be difficult not to get caught up in a friend's relationship woes or family drama. However, over time, you begin to notice the trends in people's lives and realize when it is OK to step away from a situation.
As you get older, you understand that you cannot help everyone, and while you wish them the best, you can realize that getting involved may be a waste of time and energy.
– You don't try to make new friends
Once you have graduated from school, your social life does undergo a sudden and drastic transformation. Where you previously spent each weekday with many people you have grown to know well, your opportunities for making new friendships become rarer.
In fact, it is difficult to make new friends in adulthood. The friendships you believed would last a lifetime may gradually die out as people gain new family commitments and relocate for work.
You probably want to spend less time with your friends and more time with your family. And it is OK.