Monday, September 17, 2018

Wild Moscow Twist

Miss Cellania: Wild Moscow Twist

Wild Moscow Twist

From the description at Dark Roasted Blend:

Not sure how this passed the communist censorship, but the world-famous Moiseyev Ballet in Moscow performed this dance not only during their trips to America in the 1960s but also at Tchaikovsky Concert Hall in Moscow in 1962. They did call it a "parody dance" in the official program - but they still have too much fun dancing it!

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Led Zeppelin Whole Lotta Love Lauren Tate

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Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love (cover by Sershen & Zaritskaya)

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David Byrne Performs 'Everybody's Coming To My House'

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12+ Times People Had Simple Ideas That Are Simply Genius

12+ Times People Had Simple Ideas That Are Simply Genius

12+ Times People Had Simple Ideas That Are Simply Genius

12+ Times People Had Simple Ideas That Are Simply Genius

Whether it's a designer being paid to come up with a clever idea or just one dude with a giant light bulb of a thought, I love simple ideas that make big differences. 
They don't even need to change the lives of people. Just making a small change in a clever way is cool.
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1. This is actually a design decision more places should make.

1. This is actually a design decision more places should make.
Reddit |  Jaedenw

By placing an exit sign near the floor, it means that in case of a fire, people can still find their way out even while crawling under a thick layer of smoke.

2. You never really know whether or not your package was treated with care.

2. You never really know whether or not your package was treated with care.
Reddit |  socsa

Even if it's wallpapered with "This Side Up" or "Fragile" stickers, do the mail carriers really care?
This special sticker has a blue liquid in it that tracks whether the package was tipped during transit. 

3. This train track has a built-in safety area in case people fall off the platform.

3. This train track has a built-in safety area in case people fall off the platform.
Reddit |  TheScotchEngineer

It may be a pretty common feature, but it's such a good idea and I'd never heard of them before. I can't be the only one, so I think it's important to share. 
Now everyone can know how to stay safe if they fall on the tracks. 

4. Everyone has different dressing preferences, so this dispenser lets you customize. 

4. Everyone has different dressing preferences, so this dispenser lets you customize.
Reddit |  priroda25

By turning the ring in the center, you can control the ratio of oil to vinegar for the perfect salad every time. I love this because I always find that restaurant vinaigrettes are way too oily.

5. I've never liked public water fountains, but I can get behind these.

5. I've never liked public water fountains, but I can get behind these.
Reddit |  dismalhistory

Instead of a million strangers putting their mouth near the tap, these fountains are meant to refill a bottle. It even has two different heights so that kids or people in wheelchairs can reach.

6. There are three socks in this package.

6. There are three socks in this package.
Reddit |  gravy_vestibule

And it's not simply that one fell off the tag. This allows you not just to mix and match your patterns, but also means that you'll have a spare if you lose one in the wash.

7. It's always great to see recycling in action.

7. It's always great to see recycling in action.
Reddit |  playr_4

A lot of the time, it feels like you toss a bottle in the blue bin and then they disappear into the ether. At least we know that at Legoland, hundreds of plastic milk jugs are repurposed in every bench in the park.

8. Just because something's a classic design doesn't mean that you can't improve it.

8. Just because something's a classic design doesn't mean that you can't improve it.
Reddit |  Carreb

This deck of cards comes in a pretty standard-looking cardboard box, but hidden under the lip is a cutout section. It easily solves the problem of decks being hard to remove from the tight boxes.

9. This couch has built-in USB ports for easy device charging.

9. This couch has built-in USB ports for easy device charging.
Reddit |  SexyGlynn

Whenever I want to charge my iPad downstairs, I have to move the couch to reach the living room outlet. Maybe that's why this idea seems so awesome to me.

10. I always feel bad when I have a drink I can't finish, but there's nowhere to pour out the remainder before tossing the cup.

10. I always feel bad when I have a drink I can't finish, but there's nowhere to pour out the remainder before tossing the cup.
Reddit |  Mr_Big_Buns

This recycling station includes a smaller container for plastic lids and a central section for pouring the liquids out. Genius!

11. This hospital sink has no knobs. Instead, you turn the water off with your knee.

It's such a simple way to help promote cleanliness and prevent cross-contamination. Restaurants could probably use something like this. 

12. These coffee lids can be used as a phone stand.

12. These coffee lids can be used as a phone stand.
Reddit |  Warbag

Is it totally practical? Probably not, but when it comes to single-use plastic items, every chance to reuse them is a good thing. 

13. At first, it seems silly to have a trash container specifically for pizza boxes.

13. At first, it seems silly to have a trash container specifically for pizza boxes.
Reddit |  TheFireMan12321

But when you consider that they take up a lot of space and often don't even fit through the openings on public trash and recycling bins, this seems like a much more practical way to deal with them at a beach.

14. This food truck has a clever way to deal with melting ice to keep doggos cool.

14. This food truck has a clever way to deal with melting ice to keep doggos cool.
Reddit |  PyroNinja74​

As the ice in the beverage containers melts, it pours out the spigot and fills the dog bowls below.

15. I hate paper straws, but I also feel bad about creating so much plastic waste. This café figured out a solution.

15. I hate paper straws, but I also feel bad about creating so much plastic waste. Thiscafé figured out a solution.
Reddit |  dukebailey

That's not a straw. It's actually a long tube of dried pasta! I'm not sure how practical it is in the long run, but I love the ingenuity.

16. Security cameras are important, but they only help if people face the camera.

16. Security cameras are important, but they only help if people face the camera.
Reddit |  StephanZAQ

You need some way to grab people's attention, even for a second, so these security cameras have flapping wings. They add a little art to the space while also improving security. Smile!

17. This bathroom door has a handle at the bottom so that you can open it with your foot.

17. This bathroom door has a handle at the bottom so that you can open it with your foot.
Reddit |  rki1

Which is great, because it saves you from having to touch the handle with your freshly washed hands. 

18. This toilet with a built-in sink saves both space and water.

18. This toilet with a built-in sink saves both space and water.
Reddit |  CptChipmonk

Water from the sink drains into the toilet tank, limiting how much gets wasted. From what I understand, this setup is more common in countries where the toilet is separate from the bathroom. 

19. If my local parking garages had this, I'd be a lot less nervous about parking in them.

19. If my local parking garages had this, I'd be a lot less nervous about parking in them.
Reddit |  Krzyygamin

By painting the lines up onto the wall, it's way easier to stay within the parking spot and helps give you a better gauge of how close the wall is to your bumper. 

20. More restaurants should provide mouthwash in the restrooms.

20. More restaurants should provide mouthwash in the restrooms.
Reddit |  niksal12

Especially restaurants that serve cuisines where garlic or strong spices are a large part of the recipe. Many first dates could be saved by this. 

21. You never have a bottle opener when you need it, but these beverages have you covered.

21. You never have a bottle opener when you need it, but these beverages have you covered.
Reddit |  Osirisk

The cap has a metal tab attached, allowing you to easily get it open without searching through drawers for your opener.

22. This toilet has a second seat for smaller bottoms.

22. This toilet has a second seat for smaller bottoms.
Reddit |  DosMijos

I can see this being really helpful, especially in public places where there are a lot of families. Parents can rest easy knowing their kids won't fall in the toilet. 

23. All disposable chopsticks should be like this.

23. All disposable chopsticks should be like this.
Reddit |  Mr2_Wei

I'm okay with chopsticks, but there are still some foods that I can't seem to make them work for. Being able to just flip them around and use a fork would be so convenient!

24. These urinals have built-in splash guards to protect your shoes.

24. These urinals have built-in splash guards to protect your shoes.
Reddit |  datravi​

Urinals that are flush (hah) with the floor may look modern, but it can cause splash-back issues. These glass barriers solve that while still looking sleek. 

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