Sunday, June 3, 2018

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14 Things to Know About True Pagan Sex Rituals

14 Things to Know About True Pagan Sex Rituals

14 Fascinating Truths About Pagan Sex Rituals

Jessica Spinelli
266k views 14 items
Modern Paganism is a religious movement that exists outside of the mainstream popular religions. It is not based on liturgy or doctrine and often involves the worship of the natural world, both a God and Goddess, pantheons, and/or witchcraft. Some examples of modern Pagans are Wiccans, Druids, Shamans, Sacred Ecologists, Odinists and Heathens, to name a few. Each has their own belief system and methods of worship. And, yeah, sometimes it involves sex.
One common way many Pagans worship is through ceremonial rituals. These rituals often include meditation, music, chanting, prayer, dancing, pouring of libations, and the sharing of food and drinks. When most people hear the term "pagan ritual," their mind becomes flooded with questions and strange visualizations. What exactly goes on during one of those rituals? One common assumption is that there is a whole lot of sex taking place. Well, pagan sex rituals are, in fact, a reality, but they aren't exactly what most people may be envisioning. Here is the truth behind Pagan sex rituals. 

Photo:  Cynthia Graber

Sex Isn't Very Common In Modern Pagan Rituals

Sex Isn't Very Common In Moder... is listed (or ranked) 1 on the list 14 Fascinating Truths About Pagan Sex Rituals
Photo: British Lions Films

Despite what many people may think, Pagans usually don't have sex in their rituals. While many groups perform rituals "skyclad" (naked), it is done as a symbol of trust and connection, rather than for sexual purposes. However, "ritual sex" does, on occasion, take place, and is often referred to as "sex magick." It is used as a magical tool to symbolize the union of the God and Goddess, to raise energy and create magical power. Sometimes ritual sex is only performed symbolically using specific tools and wording. Other times it is, in fact, actual sex. 

The Great Rite

The Great Rite is listed (or ranked) 2 on the list 14 Fascinating Truths About Pagan Sex Rituals
Photo: dedda71/Wikimedia Commons

"The Great Rite" is one of the most commonly performed sex acts in Pagan and Wiccan rituals. The Great Rite focuses on masculine and feminine energies in relation to the God and Goddess. It is usually only used when a coven or spiritual group is in need of some very powerful energy, since sex is seen as one of the most powerful energy forces. It's not just done for fun and games, no matter how fun it is. It is the means to an end, not the final goal. The energy is drawn from the connection between the male and the female during the act and used toward willing a specific outcome. 

Sex Magick Is Usually Between An Existing Couple

Sex Magick Is Usually Between ... is listed (or ranked) 3 on the list 14 Fascinating Truths About Pagan Sex Rituals
Photo: John William Waterhouse/Wikimedia Commons

While many people may envision sex rituals to be a hot and sweaty orgy, the truth is it is usually between one couple that is already in a sexual relationship with one another. While this is not a requirement, it is usually the case. They also often perform the act in private; during a ritual, they will leave the room to do so. Of course, there are always exceptions to this, as there are many Pagans who have no problem performing sex magick in front of the rest of the group. 

Tantric Sex Versus Sex Magick

Tantric Sex Versus Sex Magick is listed (or ranked) 4 on the list 14 Fascinating Truths About Pagan Sex Rituals
Photo: Joe Mabel/Wikimedia Commons

Tantric sex is an ancient Hindu practice that means "the weaving and expansion of energy." Both tantric sex and sex magick use intimacy and mind and body connection to expand consciousness and join together masculine and feminine energy. The main difference is that tantric sex's purpose is to connect the two lovers, whereas sex magick's purpose is to use that connection to fuel another magickal purpose. 

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