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Famous Historical Men You Didn't Know Were Into Prostitutes
Behind every famous man in the history books is a secret. As it turns out, for many of them, the secret is that they really like having sex with prostitutes. Whether the men happen to be presidents of the United States of America or world famous philosophers, if they're on this list they're among the men who use prostitutes - or allegedly did - throughout history. As time goes on, social mores change and some of the famous fellas on this list weren't subject to the same scrutiny that your Charlie Sheens or Hugh Grants are when they get caught with ladies of the night. Heck, there's even a pope on this list that bought all his buddies prostitutes and watched them have sex on a pile of chestnuts. Get ready to have some knowledge dropped on you with this list of famous historical men you didn't know where into prostitutes.
The history of prostitution goes back as far as history itself. In fact, there have been so many types of prostitutes in history that it seems weird that there's such a stigma attached to their profession. Whether or not we think there should be a negative connotation attached to the sex industry doesn't matter, because the guys on this list who visited brothels in history were so worried about their clandestine affairs that they tried as hard as they could to keep them hidden.
Learn more about these famous men who went to brothels, and then take to the comments to trade conspiracy theories about how their prostitutes shaped the way the world as we know it.